An ode to the Heartstopper series,
in celebration of
queer joy.


Queer media often doesn’t get the same amount of advertising attention that other media gets. Additionally, a lot of queer representation in TV portrays their characters as either a walking stereotype or a vessel for trauma. Newer TV shows such as Heartstopper, which showcase representation in all aspects in a safe, approachable way, have received a lot of attention recently thanks to social media. However, they have not received proper advertising in mainstream media, and have been limited by them existing solely within the queer community. A queer-centered activation backed by a company as large as Netflix would set a precedent for proper advertising in the future.

creative solution

The Heartstopper Project is a Netflix experience centered around the book/Netflix series Heartstopper. The experience will provide fans of the show with an immersive experience based around the show sets, similar to previous Netflix experiences for series such as Stranger Things, while also including resources for the queer community and serving as a space to uplift queer voices and celebrate their joy. Seeing as Heartstopper is a series geared towards younger audiences, it is the perfect choice for a safe experience centered around queer identities. Its family friendly, joyful approach to the queer perspective of coming of age makes it a positive source of representation in media that deserves more attention.

experience highlights